
Brand Elevation


Digs Residential Lettings is a long established lettings and property management agency, offering an extensive bank of rental accommodation for students and young professionals in Bristol. 

Originally the brand was positioned to focus on a purely academic customer base but it became apparent that there was a need for this to evolve to include the wider market – and opportunities that naturally existed for Digs among working professionals.

Digs Residential Letting Logo

Digs website displayed across multiple devices

Digs website on a laptop

Digs website on a laptop

Brochure cover featuring Bristol Letting and Property Management branding


The brand identity was elevated with simplified typography, a stronger colour palette and it was given a more sophisticated tone. Bristol street scenes combined with authentic lifestyle imagery were used to tell the story. Overall a fresher look was created whilst some visual cues were retained to reflect the brand’s roots.

Brochure Spread

Winde angle view of Arnolfini and he river

Brochure Spread

Brochure Spread


We created a new responsive website, environmental signage, literature and vehicle livery to help strengthen their presence and communicate their point of difference.

Brochure Spread

Angled spread of a brochure

Angled spread of a brochure

Digs vehicle graphic

Digs vehicle graphic


  • Brand Strategy
  • Positioning
  • Brand Identity
  • Art Direction
  • Design


  • Corporate identity
  • Photography
  • Branded emails
  • Invitations
  • Sales brochures
  • Press advertising

Digs Bristol Letting and Property Management sign above the door

Black and White aerial view of SS Great Britain

Get in touch

Find out how we create effective brand experiences for interiors and built environment clients. Give us a call, drop us an email or just pop by our studio.

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