Ethos | Zeke Creative

Ethos Construction

Purpose, story & web design

Ethos Construction | Zeke Creative

Ethos Construction Logo | Zeke Creative


Ethos Construction is a family-owned, niche main contractor specialising in prime residential and high-end residential-led mixed use projects, across London.

Ethos Construction are part of the Camberyard Collective and as such tapped into our expertise in brand development and web design. They first needed to take stock of who they had become, and begin to articulate their vision and position for the business, before we could embark on redefining the look and feel of their new website design.


It was important to immerse Pritesh and Justina in the full discovery process so we could reveal the truths about their brand, their story and purpose. Taking them through the process was a deep dive to uncover their values and the language the helped them describe their culture and personality. These brand foundations allowed us to elevate their positioning and strengthen their proposition.

Ethos Construction | Zeke Creative

The journey we went on allowed us to really define our company and its values in a way we now understand and can articulate; we couldn’t have done this without Zeke’s help. It has helped secure higher value of contracts from the get-go. Zeke Creative were great to work with, we are so pleased with the results.

Pritesh Lad  Director


iPhone-Ethos | Zeke Creative

iPad Ethos page | Zeke Creative


We were able to write a brief that informed the look and feel of the new website. Project photography utilises full colour photography, key pieces and frames were used to establish credibility and their craftsmanship through their imagery. The design layout provides an easily navigable site, with sharp imagery. The functionality of the website is strong, engaging and easy to use.   Visit Ethos Construction website ⟶

Mac detail Ethos Construction | Zeke Creative


  • Brand Discovery workshop
  • Brand Strategy
  • Art Direction
  • Design


Ethos exterior building | Zeke Creative

Get in touch

Find out how we create web design for furniture makers and interior designers. Give us a call, drop us an email or just pop by our studio.

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