Siematic | The Myers Touch

The Myers Touch

Brand Evolution

The Myers Touch hero showroom

The Myers Touch belly band


The Myers Touch, specialise in the holistic design of luxury kitchens, creating truly bespoke living spaces that offer far more than conventional cooking environments.

After nearly twelve years in the industry there was a need to differentiate themselves further from other high-end players. Whilst the company had a clear vision, their identity and marketing collateral had to catch-up. We were able to help them with their luxury kitchen branding.

“Zeke have been providing The Myers Touch with brand development support since 2015. We have always found the team to be insightful and full of ideas. With a keen eye for detail, their work is of the highest quality and delivers great results.”

Keith & Helena Myers Directors

Hero Image The Myers Touch

The Myers Touch

The Myers Touch


Supporting a year-long marketing plan with event-led activities was key to their success. Before we could help to promote such a programme we needed to polish the identity, define their tone of voice and establish guidelines for consistency. Following this we created the identity and collateral for their Dining Club – an inspired initiative to bring customers and prospects into their showroom, out-of-hours to sample the food, the space (and great company).

The Myers Touch

The Myers Touch quote


  • Brand strategy
  • Positioning
  • Brand identity
  • Messaging
  • Copywriting
  • Design


  • Corporate identity
  • Exterior signage
  • Photography
  • Words
  • Press advertising

The Myers Touch showroom

The Myers Touch people

Get in touch

Find out how we create effective luxury kitchen branding for interiors and built environment clients. Give us a call, drop us an email or just pop by our studio.

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