Alfie & George kitchen cabinetry

Alfie & George

Brand Activation

Alfie and George characters

Alfie & George logotype


Alfie & George supplies fully primed off the peg kitchen cabinetry, made to order.

A new enterprise from existing bespoke Norfolk kitchen makers. They came to use to help create their brand from the ground up and help launch their ecommerce kitchen business.

ALfie & George

Alfie and George statements

Alfie and George personalities


Taking our lead from our client’s family history, we crafted a unique online brand that puts personality back into the kitchen sector. Offering beautiful off-the-peg products, we set about crafting a visual language that celebrated the tradition of traditional old-fashioned values and craftmanship.

Alfie and George website design

Mobile web design for Alfie and George


  • Strategy
  • Branding
  • Positioning
  • Web Design


  • Corporate identity
  • Photography
  • Ecommerce website

Alfie and George website design layouts

Alfie and George kitchen

Alfie and George kitchen shot

Alfie and George product

Get in touch

Find out how we create effective brand experiences for interiors and built environment clients. Give us a call, drop us an email or just pop by our studio.

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