Animated presenters for the interiors and property sectors


Animated presentations are a powerful instrument when it comes to explaining difficult topics

List image Sonlevo animated presenter

Sonlevo – Animated presenter

IT365 Animated presenter

IT365 – Animated presenter

Great animated presenters always starts with a powerful story and we’re here to help shape yours.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, video and animation can be worth a thousand more. Animated content can be a central marketing tool for your business – a proven and effective way to communicate with your customers and capture their attention.

We have experience of producing great animated videos. We produce content that is captivating, relevant and can be used as a hugely effective tool in your wider communication strategy.

Whether you need to introduce a new product on social media or help your customers understand your brand culture and vision – we will work with you to create the best mix of beautifully shot film, eye-catching animation and slick motion graphics.

Animated presentations production process

We offer a clear road-map to a smooth production right from the word go.


We will start by carefully planning your story. By devising the right strategy for your brand and creating a clear script and storyboard, we will ensure your message speaks to the right people in a powerful and creative way.


Filming will be carried out by our experienced production team. We will capture beautiful footage and dynamic sequences, then work our editing magic. Custom motion graphics and animation will ensure your brand shines. All the assets used in our animations are created just for you. This means we can show exactly what you’re envisioning.


Post Production and Sound

We aim to keep you up to speed every step of the way, showing snippets of the animation and key assets to make sure they’re on point. Where appropriate we work with a collection of fantastic voice artists, all primed to bring your script to life.


Once you have approved your media, we will provide you with web-ready and HD video files. We also offer distribution and digital marketing support to ensure you reach the right audiences through the best channels.

Get in touch

Find out how we create distinctive branded animated presentations for your interiors, furniture or property business. Give us a call, drop us an email or just pop by our studio.

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